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View 11 Pictures PRACTICE BIDS HERE - 16 Main St , Clinton MA 02045 - Single Family
List Date: Jun 11, 2017 Auction Status: Closed Living Area: 2249 MLS Property PDF
Starting Bid: $119,000 Bid Count: 18 Rooms: 6 Style: Colonial, Saltbox
Scheduled End: Jun 16, 2017 10:05 AM Highest Bid: $146,000 Beds: 3 Basement: Y
Offer Form Due: Jun 14, 2017 Auction Ends: Jun 11, 2017 10:44 AM Baths: 2 f - 0 h Garage Spaces: 2
The Highest Bidder is BMM-0308 ! Acres: 1.03 (44844 sq.ft.) Parking Spaces: 0
Remarks: You can register / login and bid on this simulated auction property for practice purposes. This auction will reset after it closes. Better than new colonial Saltbox style home off dead end dirt road in Clinton. Home is meticulously maintained. Large eat in kitchen with dining area formal dining room and 1st floor family room. 3 bedrooms upstairs and master with master bathroom. Attached 2 car garage is spotless and has nice heated work area w/ Outside shed as well Basement is finished and room above garage could be finished as well for future expansion. You will not find a cleaner more well maintained home even with new construction!
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Minimum Bid $3,000
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Bidder Date Time Bid
BMM-0308 06/11/2017 10:34:57 AM$146,000
LNG-6876 06/11/2017 10:25:19 AM$145,000
LNG-6876 06/11/2017 10:23:15 AM$139,000
BMM-0308 06/11/2017 10:23:15 AM$138,000
LNG-6876 06/11/2017 10:23:15 AM$137,000
BMM-0308 06/11/2017 10:23:15 AM$136,000
LNG-6876 06/11/2017 10:23:15 AM$135,000
BMM-0308 06/11/2017 10:23:15 AM$134,000
LNG-6876 06/11/2017 10:22:26 AM$133,000
BMM-0308 06/11/2017 10:22:26 AM$132,000
LNG-6876 06/11/2017 10:18:31 AM$131,000
BMM-0308 06/11/2017 10:17:46 AM$130,000
LNG-6876 06/11/2017 10:17:05 AM$125,000
BMM-0308 06/11/2017 10:16:05 AM$122,000
LNG-6876 06/11/2017 10:16:05 AM$121,000
BMM-0308 06/11/2017 10:15:35 AM$120,000
LNG-6876 06/11/2017 10:10:01 AM$119,000
Starter Bid 06/11/2017 10:06:22 AM$118,000
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How to Bid
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Website Auctioneer
Name Neil B Kaplan
Phone 781-249-0600
Email digs.cc@gmail.com
Open House / Preview Schedule
Date Day Start End
1/5/2014 Sunday 2:08 PM 3:00 PM
1/12/2014 Sunday 2:08 PM 3:00 PM
1/19/2014 Sunday 2:08 PM 3:00 PM
Auction Terms:
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bidStartDT=2017-06-11 10:06:22 secsToStartBids=-241949416